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5 tips for getting started

I was recently asked to speak to one of my networking groups about my journey and how I have gotten to this point. First of all when your “journey” has only been a few months, the fear of anyone being interested in what you have to say is pretty real. Secondly, being seen as an expert seems quite laughable at this stage in the game. But, when I think about it, it’s my journey, so why shouldn’t I be an expert.

During this presentation I spoke about getting out of your own way and just start doing what you have always wanted to do. While i was more specifically speaking about starting a new business, a lot of the tips that I provided are very relevant for starting many new things in life.

A lot of the reasons for not starting that new diet, or that exercise program or a new hobby are the same. You don’t have enough time or money, you’re too old, too young, or you just don’t know where to start. For a lot of people, the fear of failing is one of the biggest factors for not starting. If they don’t start, then things can’t get any worse than they already are. The problem with that thinking however is that it will never allows for things to get better either.

I want to provide you with the Top 5 Tips for getting started on that thing that you have been putting off. I feel that these have most benefited me throughout my journey, and i hope that you can apply them to your situation as well.

1. Break up with your bad attitude & stop listening to your negative thoughts: Start thinking positively and pay attention to all of the things that are going well in your life or your business. Celebrate the small victories.

2. Ask for help! Seek out mentors & fellow enthusiasts. Find people to help you in the areas that you don’t excel in: Get in touch with those who do well in areas that you don’t. Choose people who can both be critical and supportive. Cheerleaders are great to have, but they aren’t going to be the best ones to steer you back when your train goes off the tracks.

3. Put together a specific plan and show it to others. Include specifics like how, when, frequency & expense: This will help you be accountable, but then you will know how to adjust it so that it is realistic and measurable.

4. Map out/write down your activities: Having things written down helps you visualize your tasks and allows you to see what you have accomplished.

5. Do something that makes your heart race every week: Push yourself to do something that you didn’t think you had the courage to do. You will be amazed at what you can accomplish and how empowered you feel after taking on something new.

So as you start putting together that list of things that you want to tackle, remember that results don’t happen overnight and success takes hard work and dedication. But know this, when you follow your heart and the plan you have created, success will follow. You are an expert whether you like it or not. You know your strengths, your weaknesses and your aspirations, therefore you know how to navigate through your challenges with ease. So be brave, be confident and start believing in yourself.