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Building a successful new business - The first year!

When I started on this adventure of owning my own business there was so much that I either a ) didn’t know or b) wasn’t even aware that I needed to know. What I did know however was that I was going to put my heart and soul into making this business successful. By surrounding myself with the right kind of people and making sure that I was putting together a solid foundation is what I believe has helped me grow my business.

There are so many people that are wiling to offer advice when you are starting a business, but figuring out what advice to follow is the tricky part. The advice that I can offer really isn’t a step by step plan or a road map, but more advice about how to manage your emotions as you navigate the ups and downs of entrepreneurship.

Patience - There will always be a never-ending list of things to do, so don’t get caught up in getting everything done at once. There is always tomorrow, so the easiest thing to do is to determine what will move the needle today. Everything is else is figureoutable.

Perseverance - Don’t give up. And especially don’t give up after you hear no ALOT!! That is when it starts to get fun. Hearing no gives you the opportunity to try new techniques and approaches. I promise, if you have a product or service that one person gets excited about, you WILL find others. Continue to reach out to people even if it’s been a little while. Staying in front of people will make them remember your name and remind them of how much they need you. I have even had clients tell me that they are so glad that I continued to reach out because life is busy, and they need reminders. So stay focused and you will find success.

Positive attitude - I believe that this has been one of the things that has served me so well throughout this journey. Having a positive attitude is contagious and can turn people around if they are having a bad day. And I’m not saying be positive if you are having a crummy day, but take some time to think about the journey you are on. And if that doesn’t make you happy, then you need to change lanes. Get excited about the opportunity that you have been given. To have something of your own, to make a difference in people’s lives and to feel fulfilled is nothing short of incredible.

Perspective - When people tell me that they love talking to me because they walk away feeling better, I often let them in on a little secret. Life is not always easy or fun, but when you open your eyes and take a look around, you quickly realize there are a lot of people in this world that have lives that are much more difficult than your own. Reminding myself of how much I actually have in my life is something that I constantly think about. I have my basic needs met, but more than that, I have a loving supporting family and a wonderful group of friends and mentors. That being said, I have had to work really hard to grow and maintain those relationships as I know that they can be gone in a flash. Be thankful for what you have, not what you don’t and life will be a lot more fun.

While this may not be the business plan you were looking for, I hope that this will provide you with a look inside how you can start and run a business, but more than that, perhaps a way to live your life. Everyday is a gift. It’s up to you how you receive it. I feel very lucky to be on this journey and can’t wait to see what my future holds. I hope you feel the same.