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Kitchen Renovations: What to think about before calling a contractor

With everyone spending so much more time at home over the last year and half, people are busting down walls, adding outdoor space and making their homes a place full of comfort and classic design.

Kitchen remodels in particular, have been extremely popular lately, and it is no doubt because we have been using our kitchens much more than we ever imagined. New recipes are being tried, new traditions are being created and memories are being made in the kitchen. However, sometimes what you thought was the perfect kitchen, turns out to be a cramped space filled with stress and frustration. There is never enough space, whether for people or things. The layout is all wrong for your new at-home lifestyle, or maybe you are just tired of your space and you want to change things up.

Whatever your reason for change, and before you hop online to start researching contractors, start thinking about why you are wanting to make these changes. And to get you started on your journey, here are few thoughts.

1. Future plans: How long do you plan on being in this home after a renovation? And does your current situation include a family or might it one day? Do you have enough storage space for all those kid things? Spending the right amount of money on home projects for the short and long term can look very different depending on these answers. Remember to consider all these things before you start demo and as you start to think about finishes.

2. Basic needs: Now that you have put some thought into how long you plan on being in your home, and who will be living there with you, you can start thinking about what you absolutely must have in your kitchen. And this will be different for everyone based on what they deem as important. For example, better or improved lighting is a non-negotiable for some, but for someone else, they will not have a kitchen without a pot-filler. Knowing these things ahead of time will help you prioritize where you spend your money and make sure all parties involved are aware of your list.

3. Flow & functionality: Once you have developed your list of must-haves, you can start to talk about the changes that you would like to make to your current kitchen. Now this doesn’t, and sometimes can’t, mean knocking down walls, but it can mean changing the size of cabinetry to allow for a larger pantry, or adding smaller cabinets for baking pans in otherwise unusable space. The size of your budget will certainly dictate some of the changes that you are able to make, but the end goal is to create a more efficient use of your space and making it a space that works well not only now, but in the future.

4. Wants: After determining your future plans, your must-haves and changes that you would like to make, you can start to talk about your wants. These are the things that “if your budget allows”, or “I know it’s more money, but I really love it” come into play. Perhaps this is where you start to utilize Pinterest or Houzz for inspiration. And particularly if you haven’t done a lot of renovation in your home, waiting to make those vision boards until you have a clearer idea of what you want will not only help you narrow your search for ideas, but also help you find ways to afford those things that are a little out of reach.

5. Realistic expectations: Home renovation projects have been on the rise and I don’t foresee them slowing down any time soon. Being patient as you wait to meet with a contractor, or wait for cabinets to arrive or wait for the trades to become available will be of utmost importance. Being flexible and willing to make changes will also be beneficial during the renovation process. There are long lead times, unpredictable availability and really full schedules during a project like this. Keeping open communication with your kitchen partners will not only keep you in the loop, but it will also allow them to move forward with your project and get your home back in your hands as soon as possible.

Now I know there there are alot of other things to consider like budget and finishes when you are renovating your kitchen, but if you can navigate this list before you even pick up the phone you will have a much better idea of what you are getting into. The fun stuff will come, but it is a lot less stressful on everyone when you all know what the end goal is and how you plan to arrive there. Now you can pick up the phone.