Designing spaces for life


Staying the course

So how many of you have recently felt your life turn upside down in ways that you may never have imagined? Don’t shake hands, keep a safe distance from everyone, even those you love, and only communicate via phone or email. For some, this might be the break they have been waiting for, but for most, this has been a very challenging and confusing time. Our normal is no more and we are having to be creative to figure out ways to maintain some sort of balance. Here are a few things that I have put in place to keep me from 1, not going stir crazy and 2, keeping my business on top of people’s minds. I don’t want to be an afterthought when the tides shift again and we are back up and running at a comfortable rate.

1. Maintain your routine Whether it’s just you or you have other family members to care for, get up and get ready for the day the same way you did before. Perhaps you’ll need that extra cup of coffee, but don’t lounge around in your pj’s all day. You will not only feel better, but you will be more productive, even if you stay inside all day.

2. Get some fresh air Even if you were used to going to an office, you were getting outside if only to walk to and from the building or going out for lunch. While your commute might look a little different now, step outside if even for 10-15 minutes. Take a deep breath and know that this is temporary. You will be energized and ready to take on the rest of your day.

3. Stay vigilant Continue to keep your distance, wash your hands and don’t go out more than is really truly necessary. Take this time to learn a new hobby, or brush off that cook book and whip up a few new dishes for your family to try.

4. Remain positive While it might feel like a punishment to have to spend so much time in your home right now, remember that everyone else is doing the same thing. Be grateful that you are able to work from home if your position can handle it. Take this time to slow down and focus on what is important, whether it be your family and their health or maybe it’s the extra time that you now have to focus on your business.

5. Stay in touch More now than ever it is so important to stay in touch with one another. Check in with the people that you see on a regular basis, but also those that you don’t talk to very often. Let them know how you are handling things and ask how you can help. When others know that there is help out there, it makes everything a little easier to handle.

Whatever challenge presents itself, know that there is always someone who is fighting a much bigger fight.

As we continue to discover what the future will look like, do what you can to stay safe and remain healthy. We will get through this and be stronger in the end.