Designing spaces for life


Giving Thanks


While this year has been full of challenges, I am truly thankful for all the people who have stepped up in monumental ways. From the front line workers that walk through the doors day after day to care for those stricken with this horrible virus, to the teachers who have kept our children engaged and on track and everyone in between. There are countless others who have found creative ways to keep their businesses open or others who have found new opportunities when they found themselves without a job. It has been a "year for the books," but what I have found is the incredible perseverance that lies within people. I hope that during this year you have found more time to spend with your family and close friends. That you have created memories that you may not have otherwise had time for, and I hope you slowed down to enjoy the life you have created. I am so thankful that I was forced to really look at what was important and to truly value what I have. So many times in life we are running so fast to get to the next thing that we fail to relish in the moments that are so fleeting. I hope that you take this time at Thanksgiving to not only spend time with your family, but to celebrate what makes you a family.

This year has taught me the true meaning of pivoting. Just when I thought I was starting to figure this whole running a business thing out, the world decided to pull on the emergency brake and make us all stop dead in our tracks. We had to figure out new ways to do everyday things and how to do without. But what also happened is that people began to realize what was really important. With everyone spending so much time at home, creating functional, comfortable spaces in clients homes became a top priority. I am so incredibly grateful for the amazing families that I was able to walk through that process and give them the home that they needed but also loved. I have been able to transform bathrooms, kitchens, basements and bedrooms into spaces that allowed for more meals to be easily prepared, more movies to be watched and more relaxing baths to be taken. I truly appreciate every opportunity that I have been given this year, whether online or in-person, to make an impact on someone else's life, I am incredibly grateful.

While it may sound cliché, I really feel that I have been blessed this year. My family has been spared from this illness, my children had an incredible summer filled with local and creative experiences, and my business has seen incredible growth. Now I know that there were some pretty incredible circumstances that lead to these things, but I also know that a lot of sacrifice and hard work was put forth to accomplish these things. I feel that little victories are often overlooked and we only measure BIG successes. But what this year has taught me is to not take advantage of everyday milestones and to continue to look back at how far you've come. I hope that as you close out this year, you remember what you have already come through and feel blessed by the opportunities that have presented themselves. Wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

Leah Jones